Useful tricks

There are some tricks that can make your Linx life easier.

let’s take bash_profile as an example, you can edit this profile by type:

nano ~/.bash_profile

bash_profile is a configuration file for bash shell, whenever you invoke bash with a login, it will search for and load ~/bash_profile and all of the code contained within. In other words, bash_profile is a script that is executed each time you start a terminal.


For example, In here, I have set Freesurfer by two commands:

export FREESURFER_HOME=/usr/local/freesurfer/7.1.1-1 source $FREESURFER_HOME/

By using export I have pointed out the freesurfer home directory where I install the freesurfer. source to activate freesurfer whenever I log in terminal.

alisa 9 helps me set a hot key that I press 9 to run the command cd /home/shao/neuroimage-book

It is not hard to find files in the current directory by ls, However, if I want to want to find/delete files located at subdirectory, I have use different command such as ls -d $PWD/sub-??/run* as well as rm -r $PWD/sub-??/run* .

The -d option means to only list directories, and $PWD expands to an absolute path pointing to the current working directory. Within the current directory, any directory starting with sub- and ending with two digits (represented by the ??) is added to the path. Finally, within each subdirectory, any directory beginning with the string run will be appended to the path name (e.g., run1.feat and run2.feat). rm is the remove command, -r means recursive, it tells the computer to remove directories and their contents recursively

Also find . -name "file_name". can help you to find the file_name related information from the subdirectory